In conclusion, A Dream of the Red Mansion and Pride and Preju...
Pride and Prejudice is one of Jane Austen’s masterpieces wh...
In the eighteenth century in Britain, the epistolary form of ...
Pride and Prejudice is a renowned masterpiece written by the ...
Superficially speaking, pride and prejudice prevent the chara...
the conversation carried by Mr.&Mrs.Bennet is one of the most...
Now, many people believe prejudice is real prejudice and prid...
Jane Austen is one of the famous realistic writers in English...
Moreover, the topic of Chinese compliment and English complim...
In Pride and Prejudice, Austen expresses her different marria...
This paper focused on the latter as it was more authentic. Fi...
In some cases it is clearly stereotype is the source of conce...
Therefore, this study attempts to do a questionnaire investig...
As the era developing, in the university campus, we can see t...