更新时间:07-02 上传会员:飞舞的丝带
分类:经济学院 论文字数:11699 需要金币:1000个
摘 要: 世界经济正在飞速发展,而科技创新也成为了发展的主流。当今企业正面临着更为严峻的考验。只有提高生产效率,降低生产成本,才能让企业健康快速地成长。本文将会运用工业工程技术,来减少作业中不必要的浪费现象,控制成本,提高质量和生产效率,最终达到使企业获利的目的。
ABSTRACT:The world economy is booming, and the scientific and technological innovation has become the mainstream of development. Today companies are facing a more severe test. Only by improving production efficiency, reduce production costs, in order to allow enterprises to healthy and rapid development. This article will use industrial engineering techniques to reduce unnecessary waste operations, control costs, improve quality and productivity, and ultimately achieve the purpose of the corporate profits.
Based on the XB in washing machine production workshop and assembly workshop site layout, optimization of manufacturing processes as well as the perspective of action research workshop in becoming familiar with the entire process and assembly process after a careful analysis of the various production details to find out problem, and using on-site management (5S management) knowledge to rational allocation of resources and reduce waste.
Secondly, the production process is the process of improving the focus of this article. Through on-site data collection, mapping out the flow process diagram and improved. Improved flow process diagram largely shorten the product life cycle, reducing the number of workers, and the compression of the production and use of space.
Finally, the integrated use of industrial engineering and other related theories and methods to improve the production process, making it more smooth, both to improve employee morale, but also improves the efficiency of production, and ultimately to increase the market competitiveness of enterprises purposes.
Keywords: industrial engineering; process procedures; site management; action Optimization