更新时间:06-15 上传会员:乖,爱学习
分类:经济学院 论文字数:10218 需要金币:500个
关键词:绿色贸易壁垒 农产品出口 影响 生态农业
Abstract: Since its accession to the WTO in 2001, the international market door open to our species rich, and cheap agricultural products into the international market has brought significant historical opportunity. But in the process, China's agricultural exports have encountered many difficulties: non-tariff barriers to trade, especially in the case of green trade barriers continue to strengthen, China's agricultural exports are facing increasing challenges. In this paper, a brief analysis of this issue of the green trade barriers for China's agricultural exports, and how to break through the green trade barriers from agricultural products in China, made a number of recommendations.
Keywords: Green trade barriers; Agricultural exports; Influence; Ecological agriculture