Chinese is a language, which has the largest number of speake...
With the rapid development of economy and science-technology,...
Language is the most important communication tool for human b...
A color term, also known as a color name, is a word or phrase...
Vocabularies contain a lot of cultural information. The struc...
In recent years in China, learning English has been a very pr...
This thesis introduces the translation theories on the applic...
As an information and communication platform, the Internet ha...
The Input Hypothesis overemphasizes the decisive role the out...
Wong Lo Kat’s herbal tea, regarded as China’s tea king, o...
With the rapid development of globalization, an increasing nu...
However, there is a big difference between English and Chines...
During past decades, with the acceleration of globalization a...
For a semantic translation, on the contrary, it remains withi...
The writer introduces Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory ...
The black started to struggle for freedom and equality since ...
The word “Aestheticism” originated from the Greek “aist...
Vanity Fair was Thackeray's famous work, and it was also his ...
Born into a wealthy, aristocratic and liberal family in Russi...
Sontag grew up in Tucson, Arizona, and, later, in Los Angles,...
The book also refers much contents to witch and wizard aristo...
Gulliver’s Travels is the masterpiece of Jonathan Swift, on...
The study of the advertisement translation from the perspecti...
Since Reform and Opening up was carried out, the whole world ...
With the accelerating process of economic globalization, the ...
What's more, during intercultural communication, the conflic...
Raised by her transcendentalist parents, Abigail May Alcott a...
Lawrence rewrote the work four times until he was happy...
Against the background of the rapid development of socialist ...
This thesis will make an analysis of the character and behavi...