更新时间:08-21 上传会员:易小编
分类:行政组织学 论文字数:15141 需要金币:1000个
摘 要:社区矫正作为一种与监禁性刑罚相对的非监禁性刑罚执行活动,是一种全新的社会工作方法和理念的实践,随着世界刑罚制度的改革,在我国社会中也逐渐开始发展起来。目前的社区矫正工作主要是以问题视角来对待矫正对象,把他们定义为“有问题”、需要改造或治疗的人;而优势视角下的社区矫正工作则以弱化案主的问题和困难,发现和关注案主的优势,从而提升其自我发展的潜能为目标。本文在分析传统“问题视角”下社区矫正工作弊端的基础上,提出“优势视角”介入社区矫正工作的优越性,并探讨其策略和方法。
关键词:社区矫正 优势视角 问题视角 介入策略
ABSTRACT:Community correction as a non-durance penalty punishment and imprisonment punishment relative execution activities, is a kind of new method and concept of social work practice, as the world penalty system reform, also gradually began to grow in the social in our country.
The present community correction is an main problem perspective to rectify object, defined as” problematic” them ,modification or treatment; advantages and perspective off community correction is to weaken the egotism of problems and difficulties, find and focus on director’s advantage, so as to promote its self development potential for the target.
Keywords: community correction, advantage perspective, problem perspective, intervention strategies