更新时间:04-25 上传会员:soso
分类:经济与贸易 论文字数:10999 需要金币:1000个
摘要: 传统百货业是我国零售业的主导业态,而南京新街口百货公司又是典型的传统国营百货零售企业。近年来随着专卖店、商业步行街等新兴零售业态的发展,南京新百在经营中也陷入了同质化竞争、营销手段单一等的困境。本文通过对南京新街口百货公司的营销现状进行分析,找出南京新百的营销问题,并提出相应的营销建议。希望这些分析与建议能够帮助我国其他百货零售企业在改善营销现状方面找出新的思路。
关键词:南京新百 ;市场细分;目标市场;营销策略 ;
Abstract:Traditional department store industry is the dominant retail format in China, and Nanjing Xin Jie Kou Department Store is a typical traditional state-owned department store retailers. Recent years, with stores, commercial walking street in the development of new retail formats, Nanjing Xin Jie Kou Department Store in the operation had gone into homogeneous competition, marketing, such as the plight of the single. This paper analyzes the marketing status of Nanjing Xin Jie Kou Department Store to find Nanjing Xin Jie Kou Department Store marketing problems and to make appropriate marketing recommendations. Hope that the analysis and recommendations can help our other department store retailers to improve the marketing situation in the area to find new ideas.
Keywords:Nanjing Xin Jie Kou Department Store; Market Segmentation;Target market;Marketing tactics;