更新时间:04-30 上传会员:qiaohao
分类:社会实践 论文字数:19106 需要金币:1000个
关键词:农民工 市民化 社会工作
ABSTRACT:With the continuous development of urbanization,the citizenization has become a kind of inevitable trend.a large number of rural labor transfer into the city which become migrant workers, but migrant workers are excluded by the city while they contribute to the development of urban economy, many migrant workers that they have the willing of the citizenization but they would not integrate into the city because of policy and culture and concept and so on, while they will not enjoy the treatment as same as the urban resident.This article aims to make a deep analysis on the connotation of urbanization, to understand the situation of the migrant worker, the citizenization of migrant workers and the degree of the citizenization of the migrant worker by the empirical research method. analysing the structure characteristics of the migrant workers population and the difference of the migrant workers demand level by the analytical way.combining the professional theory of the social work to explore and build social work service platform of citizenization of migrant workers.according to the difficulties in the process of the citizenization of rural migrant workers determine the theme of the citizenization of migrant workers and the related service project options.exploring the building of the mechanism what the social work service migrant workers citizenization.
Keywords: migrant workers; citizenization; social worker