更新时间:09-24 上传会员:happy
分类:家庭教育论文 论文字数:11218 需要金币:1000个
关键词 家庭教育支出,民族,家庭教育支出负担,人均教育支出
ABSTRACT:Northwest minority settlements, is due to religious beliefs, ideas and other related factors, different nationalities of different family education spending.Comparative analysis of different national family students' gender and education expenditure and national family number of children and education expenditure, the different national student achievement and education expenditure, the condition of different nationalities family parents are education, parental income and education spending different ethnic groups, and find out the problem of education spending in the minority area of northwest and put forward countermeasures and Suggestions to improve the level of all national household spending and population quality, the northwest national education career to promote common development, for the northwest region's economic development to provide a steady stream of excellent human resources, promote the economic development in the north west.
Key words:Family education spending,National,Family education expenditure,Per capita expenditure on education