更新时间:05-31 上传会员:我爱小小
分类:工业大学 论文字数:13535 需要金币:800个
摘 要:此次毕业设计根据指导老师提供的毕业设计任务书,在老师的指导下对外文相关文献进行了翻译,编写了文献综述,进行了工艺流程图的绘制,然后进行工艺物料衡算;根据确定的工艺流程、物料衡算及热量估算,进行所有工艺设备的计算及选型,包括反应釜、精馏塔及附属的预热器、再沸器、冷凝器、冷却器及储罐与泵的选择;进行了物料流程图、带控制点工艺流程图、设备布置图的绘制,根据选择的设备材质及规格以及物料衡算的结果,对此次设计进行了投资估算和简单的经济分析。根据设计中涉及的各种物质组分的物化性质,对安全和环保提出了切实的要求。最终进行了汇总,编写了与此次设计相关的设计工艺计算书和设计说明书。
关键字:2,4-二氯甲苯; PCT; 物料衡算
The graduation project was on the basis of the design assignment provided by the teacher. So I translated the foreign literature after discussing with my tutor in my college, prepared a literature review, designed the technical process, and then,made the material balance. According to the determined process, material balance and heat estimate, all calculations and selection of the process equipment (including the selection of the reactor, distillation column , ancillary preheater, reboiler, condenser, cooler ,storage tank and pump) were completed. The material flow, the process flow chart with control points and the equipment layout were drawn. Depended on the selection of equipment materials and specifications, and the result of material balance, conducted the investment estimate and a simple economic analysis. Finally, the design technology calculation and the design specification were done.
Key words:2,4-dichlorotoluene;4-Chlorotoluene;material balance