更新时间:11-10 上传会员:曼老师
分类:高中英语论文 论文字数:5443 需要金币:1000个
Abstract: This thesis aims to explore how to effectively apply the scaffolding theory to senior high school English writing teaching. Based on scaffolding theory, the author analyzes the current situation of traditional English writing teaching in senior high school. In addition, sticking to the idea of student-centered teaching, the author illustrates how to create appropriate scaffolds in real class to offer students help. The conclusion of the paper is that the English writing teaching method guided by scaffolding teaching theory highlights the teacher’s leading role and students’ dominant role, which in turn effectively arouses both students’ interest in writing and improves their writing competence as well. However, teachers should pay attention to the selection and control of scaffolds. It is necessary for teachers to provide appropriate scaffolds in proper conditions.
Key words: scaffold; scaffolding theory; senior English writing teaching
2. Theory Background2
2.1 Zone of Proximal Development
2.3Types of Scaffolds
2.4Characteristics of the Scaffolding
3. Current Situation of English Writing Teaching in Senior High School.3
4. Application of Scaffolding Teaching in Senior High School English Writing Teaching.4
4.1 Setting Zone of Proximal Development
4.2 Providing Contents Scaffolds—brainstorm
4.3 Providing Language Scaffolds
4.3.1 Words Scaffolds
4.3.2 Sentences Scaffolds
4.3.3Genre Scaffolds
4.4 Providing Task Scaffolds
4.4.1 Team Cooperation
4.4.2Story Creation
4.4.3 Writing Imitation
4.5 Providing Regulation Scaffolds
4.5.1 Peer Assessment
4.5.2 Teacher Assessment
4.5.3 Self –assessment
5. Evaluation of Scaffolding Teaching 10
5.1 Advantages
5.1.1 Arousing Students’ Interest in Writing
5.1.2 Improving Students’ Potential in Writing
5.1.3 Highlighting Students’ Principal Status
5.2 Suggestion
5.2.1 Selecting Appropriate Scaffolds
5.2.2 Teachers’ Guiding Role
6. Conclusion .12