The issues on both China English and Chinglish that researche...
This dissertation mainly tries to combine two elements of mov...
In this respect, the function translation theory of Germany h...
While many people refer to a brand as a logo, tag line or aud...
Women’s status in the United States has tremendous change b...
Firstly, the paper aims to give a general review of college s...
This thesis consists of five parts. In part one the writer wi...
In China, the usages of “but” and its translations have a...
People nowadays in the materialistic society can appreciate J...
In a sense, he is repeating what his father has been doing, t...
Ernest Hemingway is a modern American writer who has a certai...
In John Donne’s poem “A Valediction Forbidding Mourning,”...
Equivalence-Based theories, once the frequently used transl...
The debate around Gua Sha is raised in the courtroom in the m...
Public signs refer to the words and information that are show...
This paper will analysis the symbolism in "The Old Man and Th...
Nowadays, adults dream of communicating with their young daug...
However, on Sara’s eleventh birthday, she receives the terr...
As one of the most influential modern American essayists, E.B...
Certainly, there are more and more examples in this sitcom ev...
The trend of American novels in the 19th century was realism,...
Autonomy learning, which is also described as learner autonom...
Motivation which has been widely studied by foreign language ...
TEM-4 was organized by the National Education Committee of PR...
In this essay, we will talk about the features and applicatio...
In “Tentative Study of Causes of Cultural Inequality in Eng...
Since advertising language forms direct communication between...
The word “euphemism” comes from Greek, “eu” means goo...
The author will provide a pragmatic analysis of speech act th...
Thinking carefully, the heroes in Hemingway’s works, such a...