更新时间:10-05 上传会员:娶你,敢嫁么
分类:英语论文 论文字数:4666 需要金币:500个
Abstract: Idiom is a fixed phrase formed by people in long-term using of language. It is crystallization of the wisdom of working people with strong national characteristics. Excellent translation will clearly expresses the idiom of the form and the performance of rhyme to let the world know the Chinese proverbs and understand Chinese culture. Literal translation and free translation have different expressed method, but they have the same aim in exchanging two different languages. This study will take the four-character idiom as an example to analyze the idiom’s characteristics to find out the best way of translating the Chinese Idioms. In the specific practice of translation, we should fully consider the issues in literal translation and free translation, and then be familiar with the deep cultural system of the source language. By doing so, we can express the meaning of idioms completely and accurately.
.Key words: literal translation; free translation; four-character idioms; comparative study
摘要:成语是人们在长期使用语言的过程中形成的固定的词组或短语,是劳动人民智慧的结晶, 具有浓厚的民族色彩。优秀的翻译能让全世界了解中国成语,了解中国的文化。直译与意译虽然表达方式不同,但最终的目的都是相同的。本文通过对成语直译与意译的对比,旨在分析直译与意译各自的优缺点,寻找出翻译成语最好的方法,将成语的形、神、韵最大程度的表现出来。在具体的翻译实践中,只有充分考虑直译与意译的问题以及熟悉掌握源语言的深层文化体系,这样翻译出来的成语才会更准确,更优美。