更新时间:09-17 上传会员:艾米
分类:英语论文 论文字数:8954 需要金币:1000个
Abstract:Many students regard listening as one of the biggest challenges during language learning. In order to solve this problem, teachers and researchers have applied various approaches including multimedia teaching, cross-culture communication and psychological research. The concept of meta-cognitive strategies (MET) has been constantly improving ever since it was put forward in the 1970s and has been regarded as a new breakthrough to improve students listening performance by their internal factors. Moreover, tolerance of ambiguity (TOA), as a psychological concept, has been accepted in the field of education. Recently, more attention has been paid to metacognitive strategies and tolerance of ambiguity in listening comprehension. This thesis aims to explore the situation of metacognitive use in EFL listening, to figure out the relationship between tolerance of ambiguity and listening skills, and more importantly to understand the interaction between them. With the purpose of finding the pattern, this study analyzes data collected from students with different listening skills to determine their different MET use performance and TOA performance from quantitative perspective. The ultimate goal of this study is to help students to utilize meta-cognitive strategies efficiently in listening and to have an insight into their own tolerance of ambiguity accurately so that they can use target training to improve their listening performance.
Keywords: EFL; listening; metacognitive strategies (MET); tolerance of ambiguity (TOA)
摘要:很多学生在英语学习中都把提高听力水平作为一大难题。为解决这一问题,学者们从语、跨文化交际、心理学等多角度进行了研究。上世纪70年代提出的“元认知”这一概念不断发展和完善,为学习者在内因方面寻找提高听力水平的方法提供了突破口。歧义容忍度作为一个心理学概念,也在20世纪80年代进入教育学领域。目前,有关元认知策略和歧义容忍度对学生英语听力水平的影响正在为更多的学者所关注。本论文旨在探索大学生元认知策略在英语作为外语学习的听力理解中的使用情况,歧义容忍度水平和英语听力水平之间的关系,以及三者之间的相互影响。从三者相结合的角度,运用定量分析的方法,通过分析元认知策略掌握程度和歧义容忍度水平在不同学习者中的表现,找出一定的规律,以达到帮助学生在听力过程中有效运用元认知策略, 正确认识自身歧义容忍度,提高英语听力水平的目的。