更新时间:08-07 上传会员:xubanban
分类:英语论文 论文字数:5379 需要金币:500个
ABSTRACT:William Golding, a famous British writer, in 1954, his work, Lord of the Flies was produced, and then he won the Noble Prize in Literature in 1983 by the work. Lord of the Flies tells that a group of the children from innocence evolves into brutality and viciousness in bad, harsh deserted island environment. This paper utilizes Sigmund Freud’s theory of human psyche and the influence of environment on human nature to interpret the main characters in Lord of the Flies. The aim is to reveal the reason why the characters’ human nature changes, specifically, how the social background and characters’ instinct, as well as the extreme environment influence human nature. Meanwhile, this thesis also aims to analyze the characters’ human nature from the environment perspective.
Key Words: Lord of the Flies; Sigmund Freud’s Theory of Human Psyche; Extreme Environment; Virtue and Evil