更新时间:08-07 上传会员:xubanban
分类:英语论文 论文字数:5538 需要金币:500个
ABSTRACT:Influenced by individualism, pragmatism, and the thoughts of survival and development, American education is developed into typical individualized education. Nowadays, Individualized education has been the core of educational model in America. It has an effect on American school education, social education as well as family education. The paper focuses on analysis of the positive influences of individualized education on family education in America and the characteristic of American individualized education. The paper tries to discuss how the American parents educate their children under the influence of individualized education. The study of American individualized education will be meaningful for understanding the model of American education, and the paper is expected to provide some useful experiences for the family education in our country.
Key words: America; Individualized education; Family education; Influence