更新时间:07-07 上传会员:飞舞的丝带
分类:英语论文 论文字数:5367 需要金币:1000个
Abstract:With the acceleration of globalization, the publicity of China to foreign countries is continuously strengthened. With its unique methods, News introduces the information effectively and accurately to the world. Soft news as a kind of news with its unique features attracts the readers’ attention and results in resonance in the readers and increases exchanges among countries. Therefore the translation of soft news is of great importance.
On the basis of plentiful examples, this paper gives a detailed description of the process and methods of soft news translation under the framework of relevance theory. Besides, the applicability of relevance theory to soft news translation is verified. In the end the author points out that the major purposes of soft news translation are to make the target audience have the greatest contextual effect and the original author’s intention can accord with the audience’s expectation so as to achieve the effect of communication and dissemination.
Key words: soft news relevance theory translation
关键词: 软新闻;关联理论;翻译