更新时间:03-12 上传会员:阿怪
分类:英语论文 论文字数:6442 需要金币:500个
Abstract: This paper aims to make a creative probe of the unique artistic writing techniques employed in the Lord of the Flies. And mainly it focuses on symbolism, foreshadowing as well as the ending. At the same time the paper analyses many striking and complicated symbols to suggest difficult human conditions. These symbols make the plot and meaning of the novel clear and easy to understand. The ending is of great importance to this novel. It turns suddenly and actually offers readers a complete comprehension of the whole story. The unique artistic writing techniques employed in the Lord of the Flies not only make the plot smooth, but also uncover the deeper connotation of this novel.
Key words: Lord of the Flies symbolism characters
Golding’s use of symbolism is both highly elaborated and very systematic with explicit meaning. The simple and clear counterpart can be found in almost every main character, every thing that happened. In setting description, for example, the conch stands for order, authority and free speech; the rock is the embodiment of brute force; the fire symbolizes signal for rescue, call to civilization and uncontrollable destruction, etc. The theme is thus reinforced by symbolism. Besides, symbolism in characterization proves Golding's unique intelligence. Ralph and Piggy embody responsibility and reason; Jack's gang is the very incarnations of sadistic beasts, which have objectified their darkness of heart by their self-produced God-the Lord of the Flies. Actually, the Lord of the Flies is only an externalization of the inner evil in all humans. The evil is rather than destroyed. It ironically will grow. Later it entirely dominates the whole burning island. At the end of the novel no child is innocent. Ralph has realized his self-awareness by sensing the end of innocence and the darkness of the heart. The author's purpose is to alarm human being by the children's deeds on the desert island-the epitome of the adult world. Even all mankind- they will not escape from the great calamity of war if they were still ignorant of their evil nature. Another character comes. That is Simon whose saintliness and goodness are manifested through symbolism in the novel.