更新时间:12-31 上传会员:小美
分类:英语论文 论文字数:4715 需要金币:500个
Abstract: Translating methods are undoubtedly the core problems we are confronted with in translation. There are many kinds of translating methods: literal translation, free translation, transliteration and the synthesis of literal translation and free translation and so on. Among many translation methods, literal translation and free translation are the two main translating methods commonly adopted by us. The thesis investigates the subject from a different viewpoint, and analyzes the different functions of these two translation methods in translation practice. It is suggested that there is no line of demarcation between literal translation and free translation. What’s a more, different literality style, reader’s taste, translator’s awareness can influence choice of translation methods.
Keywords: literal translation; free translation; discussion
Literal translation is a good choice to translate as closely the original. It retains the idea, style and rhetoric of the original. Translators should use it sparingly. Literal translation does not mean word-for-word translation. Sometimes, translators should do some change in translation so that they can make the translation more acceptable. Word-for-word translation is unqualified. It can not work in most cases. Some sentences, if done this way, will not reflect the original correctly, especially for some idioms. Translators should have extensive knowledge, comprehend the original thoroughly.
Free translation is a skill. It need not pay more attention to the form of the original and the details. But free translation should accord with target language culture and customs. Then target language readers can accept translation easily. Though free translation gives leeway to translators, they should not add personal emotion to the original works. Because if translators added their own emotion to the translation, target language readers and source language readers would have different feeling. So the translation is unqualified.