更新时间:03-18 上传会员:随心所欲
分类:工业设计 论文字数:11267 需要金币:500个
摘要: 本文叙述了一个教学资源管理平台的实现过程。该平台基于HTTP协议实现,具有与FTP类似的功能,如身份验证、用户隔离、目录浏览、虚拟目录及消息显示。但与FTP的通用性相比更适用于进行教学资源管理及互联网的部署。本平台可部署在互联网上,实现学生作业的远程提交、教师教学资源及课程信息的发布。为提高安全性、防止错误操作导致的权限问题,用户隔离和虚拟目录均由系统管理,无法人为干预。本平台的主要功能包括:不同用户的身份验证及权限管理、用户的创建及信息修改、教师对所教班级资源及信息的发布、文件的上传下载等常见操作等。本文重点介绍了平台的虚拟目录映射、用户隔离和权限管理的实现方式。
关键词:教学资源管理; 用户隔离; 权限分配; 目录浏览; 虚拟目录
Abstract:This paper describes a teaching resource management platform, the implementation process. The platform is based on HTTP protocol, FTP has the similar features, such as authentication, user isolation, directory browsing, virtual directory, and message display. However, compared with the FTP is more versatile teaching resource for management and deployment of the Internet. The platform can be deployed on the Internet, to achieve the remote submission of student work, teaching resources and curriculum information release. To improve security, to prevent permission problems caused by wrong operation, the user isolation and virtual directories are system management, not human intervention. The main features of this platform include: different user authentication and access management, user creation and modification of information, resources, classes taught by teachers and the release of information, documents and other common operations such as uploading and downloading. This article focuses on the platform of the virtual directory mapping, user isolation, and rights management is implemented.
Key words: Teaching resources management; User Isolation; rights allocation; directory browsing; virtual directory