更新时间:04-13 上传会员:白色球鞋
分类:单片机论文 论文字数:7570 需要金币:1000个
关键词:AT89S51; 矩阵键盘; LCD液晶显示; 报警系统;
Abstract: This article describes a AT89S51 programming of the control circuit . The system consists of a single-chip system , martrix keyboard (4×4) , the LCD1602 display and alarm system . With push-button prompt , enter the error , subharmonic and ultra lock , the password is valid instructions , control lock , control , alarm and other functions . In the case of accidental leaks promptly change your password , with confidentiality , high sensitivity for a wide range .
Key words : AT89S51 ; matrix keyboard ; LCD liquid crystal display ; alarm system