更新时间:12-02 上传会员:莉雅
分类:单片机论文 论文字数:10630 需要金币:1000个
本文从经济实用的角度出发,采用美国Atmel公司的单片机AT89S52与低功耗CMOS型E2PROM AT24C02作为主控芯片与数据存储器单元,结合外围的遥控输入、显示、报警、开锁等电路,用c语言编写主控芯片的控制程序,设计了一款可以多次更改密码具有报警功能的遥控电子密码锁。
主要的设计实施过程:首先,选用 ATMEL公司的单片机 AT89C52,以及选购其他电子元器件。第二步,使用 Client99SE设计硬件电路原理图,并设计 PCB图完成人工布线(后因 PCB 板损坏决定采用万能板焊接的方法)。第三步,使用 Keil uVision3 软件编写单片机的 C 语言程序、仿真、软件调试。第四部,使用 PROTEUS 软件进行模拟软、硬件调试。最后,联合软、硬件调试电路板,完成本次毕业设计。
ABSTRACT:Along with science and technology unceasing development, The needs of people is more and more high to daily life safe insurance component request. In order to satisfy the people blockage the operation requirements, increases its security, replaces the key with the password the password lock to arise at the historic moment. The password locking device prevent going in has the security high, the cost low, the power loss low, easy to operate and so on the merits.
For practicality, this paper designs a new electronic cipher lock, which has the function of alarm and whose cipher can be changed many times. This cipher lock uses AT89S52 SCM and E2PROM AT24C02 as main chip and data memory cell . The author made this ciphor lock by use of making controlled program of master CMOS with periphery electro circuit of keyboard input, display, alarm and unlock.
Main design implementation process: First, selects ATMEL Corporation monolithic integrated circuit AT89C52, as well as selects and purchases other electronic primary device. Second step, uses the Client99SE design hardware electric circuit schematic diagram, after (because and designs the PCB chart to complete the artificial wiring PCB board damage decision to use multi-purpose board welding method).Third step, uses Keil the uVision3 software to compile the monolithic integrated circuit the C language procedure, the simulation, the software debugging. Fourth, uses the PROTEUS software to carry on the simulation software and hardware debugging. Finally, union software and hardware debugging electric circuit board, cost graduation project.
Key words: AT89C52;Password lock;Remote control