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译文(字数 8955):
Dwight D. Eisenhow
John Maxwell,一位著名领导的专家,将其定义为“影响”。领导者影响他人跟随自己。如果人们跟随你的方向和想法,你就是一个领导者。职位、等级、或标题并不能代表领导者,因为它不是状态,而是关于怎么影响人。由于Maxwell 指出,“一切事物的上升和下降都取决于领导”。强大的安全文化是一个组织的领导人作为一个团队一起工作,以促进采取安全措施努力的结果,和领导的关键是强有力的安全文化。本文介绍了领导者在建设学术机构的安全文化的同时还介绍了他们的决定和态度是如何影响安全、安全态度、安全行为文化在这个学术机构所起的作用。
外文原文(字符数 29323):
Academic leaders create strong safety cultures in colleges and universities
Leadership is the key to creating strong safety cultures and is one of the seven critical elements found in strong safety cultures. The safety vision of the president drives the direction and strength of the college or university’s safety culture. Deans, provosts, and department chairs are essential in carrying out the steps to achieve the president’s vision. Faculty and teaching assistants are the front-line leaders who teach students laboratory safety and develop students’ positive attitudes toward safety. These leaders influence the behavior of followers through personal example and by addressing other key elements of strong safety cultures.
“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”
John Maxwell, a renowned expert on leadership, defines it as ‘‘influence’’. Leaders influence others to follow them. If people are following your direction and ideas, you are a leader. Positions, ranks, or titles do not a leader make since it is not about status but rather it is about influencing people. As Maxwell notes, ‘‘everything rises and falls on leadership’’. Strong safety cultures are the result of intentional efforts by leaders of an organization working together as a team to promote safety, and leaders are the keys to strong safety cultures. This paper describes the role of leaders in building safety cultures in academic institutions and how their decisions and attitudes can impact the culture of safety, safety attitudes, and safety practices in an academic institution.
We introduce this topic with the story of a true laboratory incident. As you consider this incident, ask yourself: Why did this happen? What were the underlying causes? What actions could have been taken to prevent this incident? And what role did leadership play in this incident?