更新时间:03-23 上传会员:小九
分类:文学比较 论文字数:15978 需要金币:500个
摘要:在外国人学习汉语时,“是”字句是出现频率高的一类句型。它结构复杂多样,语义类型繁多,这些都给外国学习者带来很大的困难。据统计,“是”字句的错误频率约为90.1054,所以基于“是”字句的本体研究的偏误与习得研究就显得尤为重要。本文以 “北京师范大学HSK动态作文语料库”和自建语料库为原始材料,对这些资料进行统计、对比与分析,从习得与偏误两个角度展开了论述,希望可以对汉语作为第二语言的教学与教材编写有一定的参考价值。
Abstract:When foreigners learn Chinese, "Shi" sentence is used at a high frequency.With its complex structures ,multiple semantic types, the "Shi" sentence is difficult for foreign learners. According to some statistics,the error frequency of "Shi" sentence is about 90.1054, so the error and acquisition study of "Shi" sentence based on ontology research is particularly important. In this paper, "HSK based on dynamic composition corpus from Beijing Normal University" and self-built corpus are the raw materials.By comparing and analyzing the statistics , this paper is divided two parts: the error and acquisition study.This paper is in hope of bringing a certain reference value for teaching and textbook compilation.
Key words:"Shi" sentence; acquisition;error