更新时间:09-14 上传会员:陈老师
分类:音乐鉴赏 论文字数:7167 需要金币:1000个
关键词: 俄罗斯古典芭蕾 ;玛莎体系;训练;共性与特性
Abstract:The Russian classical ballet is a branch of ballet and the Martha Grahqm systems of modern dance is a branch of the modern dance. Because of the differences between the culture of history and folk customs, they each have their own styles, but in some areas there is still some connection between the ballet and the modern dance. Therefore, to the Russian classical ballet and the Martha Grahqm systems of the modern dance, by training this paper analysis the commons and the differences between the Russian classical ballet and the Martha Grahqm systems of the modern dance from basic posture, ideology, action, space and so on.
Keywords: the Russian classical ballet; the Martha Grahqm systems; training; common and characteristic.
虽然古典芭蕾和现代舞都属于来自西方的舞蹈艺术,但是在他们的出现和发展的道路等许多方面都是相背而驰的,芭蕾表现完美的人性, 表现人的崇高情操和意志但是它隐藏了内心的真实情感,因此观赏性的程度大于抒发人们的真实情感。但是对于现代舞来说,每个人对于客观世界的看法不同,生活情境不同,那么所表现的内容会更具有个性,它与当代人的思想表达方式也最为贴切。