更新时间:03-06 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜
分类:音乐鉴赏 论文字数:6875 需要金币:500个
关键词:音色 技巧 情感
Abstract:Cai Qin is the Taiwan renowned singer, her voice low and deep gentle, has the characteristic extremely, after having “the velvet song”, name. In the song world, Cai Qin has the extremely good oral traditions. By appraisal: The Cai Qin song looks like one cup of years the good wine, more is remote, more is the fragrance. Presently myself on the Cai qin's timbre, enunciate the characteristic, to sing aspects and so on skill, emotion processing to make the thorough analysis, is for the purpose of letting more people understand that Cai Qin and her work, and the time offers a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas the effect, directs the more experts and the amateur to Cai Qin and the work attention, thus also enhances own sings the level, sings the popular work beautifully!
Key words: Timbre, skill,emotion