更新时间:05-14 上传会员:jj.luck
分类:行政组织学 论文字数:16235 需要金币:1000个
【关键词】宁夏南部山区; 生态移民; 思想状况; 精神家园;建设
【Abstract】The ecological immigrant project in the mountain area of southern NingXia plays a decisive role in the development of Ningxia society. So it is very important and necessary to pay attention to spirit construction during and after the ecological migration project. The ecological immigrant project in the mountain area of southern NingXia is also a migration in the process of modernization, the research on migration views has contributed to our understanding of the migration of individual modern influence. According to the survey, this paper summarized the immigrants’ ideological status characteristics and development level, provides psychological basis for the immigrants need, provide evidence for immigrant modernization in south of NingXia , Through the above steps, we can make analysis of causes and propose the corresponding solution.
【Keywords】The mountain area of southern Ningxia ; Ecological migration; State of mind; Spiritual home ; Construction