更新时间:07-01 上传会员:飞舞的丝带
分类:经济与贸易 论文字数:14239 需要金币:1000个
摘 要:我国国内证券市场中长期资金严重不足,对证券市场和社会保障体系产生了一系列负面影响,因此加快引进长期资金入市迫在眉睫。引导长期资金入市,需要有完善的顶层设计。本文首先界定了主要可入市的长期资金,主要为全国社会保险基金、企业年金基金、平衡型基金和合格境外投资者资金;然后通过将国内养老金入市政策、企业年金基金、全国社会保障基金分别与美国的养老金入市政策、401(K)计划和美国联邦社保基金进行了比较研究,揭示了我国现有政策和制度中的差距和不足之处,主要表现在法律制度、规模和投资经营方面,并根据比较研究成果提出完善法律法规,发挥政府主导作用,扩大投资渠道,促进金融创新等建议;最后对长期资金入市政策的功能进行了评价。
Abstract:China's domestic stock market has a problem of a serious shortage of long-term funds. It has caused a series of negative effects so that it is imminent to guide long-term funds into the market. Guiding the long-term funds into the market needs top-level design. This paper defines the main kinds of long-term funds including the national social insurance funds, corporate pension funds, balanced funds and qualified foreign investors. Then comparing the domestic pension market policies, enterprise annuity fund with the National Social Security Fund and the United States the pension market policies, 401 (K) plans and the U.S. Federal Social Security Fund reveals our existing policy and institutional gaps and deficiencies. The deficiencies mainly in the legal system, scale and investment management, and based on comparative research recommendations to improve laws and regulations, the role of government-led, to expand investment channels, to promote financial innovation; evaluate the function of long-term funds into the market policy.
Keywords: long-term funds; policy; comparison; function evaluation