更新时间:12-05 上传会员:橙子
分类:社会实践 论文字数:7171 需要金币:500个
摘 要:支持农民工返乡创业有着重要的意义,不仅可以缓解大城市工作压力,而且可以拉动农村经济的再增长。目前,促进农民工返乡创业的任务还十分艰巨,很多长期存在的制约因素还没有消除,主要表现为农民工自有资金普遍缺乏,自身素质普遍偏低,政府扶持返乡创业的政策措施落实不到位等。因此,思考解决这些问题的对策,以期更好地帮助农民工返乡创业是非常必要的。
Abstract:Support for migrant workers to return home to start a business is of great significance. It can not only relieve the employment pressure in big city, but also promote the further growth of the rural economy. Currently, persuading the migrant workers to strengthen the entrepreneurship is still a very arduous task and many dilemmas that exist for a long time have not been conquered. The main difficulties are that these migrant workers who generally have low quality are lack of their own investment capitals and the implementation of government policies and measures for entrepreneurship are not well carried out. Therefore, it is vitally necessary to work out appropriate countermeasures to solve these problems and really do great favors to migrant workers to help them return home to start entrepreneurship.
Key words: migrant workers; entrepreneurship; dilemmas; countermeasures