更新时间:12-05 上传会员:橙子
分类:社会实践 论文字数:12288 需要金币:500个
摘 要:农民工返乡创业是自改革开放以后就开始出现的一个现象,然而直到近几年这种现象才由过去的个例变得越发普遍而引起来了人们的关注。这种现象对中国的经济发展产生了积极影响。所以文章将对农民工返乡创业的特点和环境予以分析的基础上剖析了在返乡创业的过程中,遇到的资金、技术和管理等障碍。并从政府和创业者的角度提出相应的解决对策,以达到推动农村经济发展,提高农民的生活水平和就业率,为国家的经济发展提供新动力的期望。
Abstract:the phenomenon of migrant workers to start township enterprises has been existed since the reform and opening up policy employed in China, however, it was not until the recent years did this kind of phenomenon caused people’s attention by becoming widespread. This kind of phenomenon exerts a positive effect on the development of China’s economy. This thesis will give a introduction to the role of township enterprises, and make an analysis of the characteristics and situation of township enterprises to comprehend the capital, technical and managerial obstacles might be faced by migrant works while start their business. This thesis will also put forward corresponding countermeasures from the viewpoint of the government and migrant workers to promote the development of rural economy, improve the living standards of farmers and raise employment rate of the rural areas thus to provide new impetus of our country’s economic development.
Key Words: the countryside; migrant workers; returning home; entrepreneurship