更新时间:07-07 上传会员:飞舞的丝带
分类:社会实践 论文字数:15294 需要金币:1000个
摘 要: 探索频道纪录片的内容涉及领域十分广泛,但是,不管讲述的是哪方面的知识,都会以通俗易懂的方式传达给观众。为了激发观众的求知欲望,娱乐元素的应用是最为行之有效的方式之一。
关键词:娱乐元素 探索频道 纪录片 悬念 视觉奇观
Abstract:Discovery Channel's documentary involve very wide field,however,no matter what the knowledge they teach,audience will be easy to understand.Use entertainment elements is one of the effective way to stimulate the audience's desire for knowledge.
Discovery Channel 's documentary have extensive topic,but regardless of which field the film talk,it must connect it with the human,the final theme will be as an end result on the relationship between the various things and people.Discovery Channel documentary's structure is relatively simple,basically followed on the beginning,development, and the end of the three-stage structure.On condition that the content is true,the documentary consciously to design suspense and climax.During the stage of editing,the filmmaker also pay attention to rhythm of documentary.Discovery Channel 's documentary always bring the enjoyment of art and beauty to the audience,visual splendor,High-tech shooting and computer effects enhance the visual impact of the documentary.Discovery Channel documentary commentary gives audience the impression of weigh every word and full of literary talent.
Entertainment elements are important causes of the documentary entertainment.Entertainment elements include not only the entertainment of the documentary content itself,and also the methods to make the film with entertainment,such as the choice of topic,set up suspense,visual splendor.The application of entertainment elements to establish a unique style of entertainment,and creating a channel brand.
Key Words:Entertainment elements Discovery channel Documentary Suspense visual splendor