更新时间:05-25 上传会员:fuyifan
分类:工商企业 论文字数:16776 需要金币:500个
关键词:高新技术产品 技术创新 出口贸易
ABSTRCT:Today's world economy is already a technology-oriented economy. High-tech products as a product of technological innovation, its position is self-evident in today’s technical and economic world. In recent years, with China's rapid economic development, China's export of high-tech products increased rapidly, the share proportion of the national commodity exports is climbing fast, just like dominates China’s economic development, But behind of its development, existing some problems, which can not be ignored. In order to develop China's high-tech products export trade of long-term development, this paper based on the subjects of high technology exports to analyze the current status of trade problems, find out the impact of high-tech products export’s sticking point, and finally concluded a development strategy of the export of high-tech products of China.
Keywords: High-tech products;Technology innovation;Export trade