更新时间:03-15 上传会员:我不是叫兽
分类:工商企业 论文字数:7994 需要金币:500个
关键词:中小企业 企业财务管理 经济管理 财务控制
Abstract:Since China's entry into the WTO, small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) , due to their small outputs, limited funds, and constraints of traditional system among other factors, find it difficult to adapt to the market economy and satisfy their own development requirements. Such enterprises must get rid of the old management concepts and catch up with the development of financial management. They should adopt new management methods, update their management level and strengthen the financial management. This paper first analyzes the current SME financial management, finds out existing problems, and then t proposes some optimization schemes accordingly.
Key words:Small and medium-sized enterprise Enterprise financial management Economic management Financial control